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Confluence Philanthropy’s mission is to transform the practice of investing by aligning capital with our community’s values of sustainability, equity, and justice. We support and catalyze a membership network of over 260 private, public, and community foundations, family offices, individual donors, and their values-aligned investment advisors. Together, our members represent more than $75 billion in philanthropic assets under management and over $4 trillion in combined managed capital.

How Investors Can Turn the Heat on the DEI Chilling Effect
Erika Seth Davies, CEO, Rhia Ventures
The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of high-income countries, and this rate is increasing. Meanwhile, pregnancy-related mortality rates among Black and Native women are over ...
How Investment Advisors Can Help Their Clients Embrace Investing For Impact
Kunle Apampa, Director, Client Solutions, William Orum, Partner, Investments, Mandira Reddy, Director, Client Solutions, Capricorn Investment Group
A growing number of foundations, endowments, family offices, and other investors are looking for ways to align their investments with their values. For many of these allocators, achieving this goal ...
The Call for Cleantech Optimism
William Page, Senior Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager, Essex Global Environmental Opportunities Strategy (GEOS)
Pockets of cleantech are suffering from stock market disappointment, despite promising growth and excitement a few years ago, even while the broader market continues to reach new heights. Through ...
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